2016 news

Mitch’s oral presentation takes first place in the PITT ChemE Research Day. Way to go Mitch!

Karthi gets his second first-author paper accepted in Carbon. Way to go Karthi!

Yasemin passes her quals! Way to go Yasemin!

Mitch gets his second first-author paper accepted in the Journal of Physical Chemistry B. Way to go Mitch!

Mitch gets a CRE travel grant to attend the AIChE meeting in San Francisco. Way to go Mitch!

Mitch gets a travel grant to attend the AIChE meeting in San Francisco. Way to go Mitch!

The Keith Group welcomes its newest member, Daniel Gerald Keith, 7 lb, 5 oz at 20.5 inches. Everyone is well!

Mitch gets his first first-author paper accepted in the Journal of Physical Chemistry A. Way to go Mitch!

Karthi gets his first first-author paper accepted in Dalton Transactions. Way to go Karthi!

Karthi becomes a PQI graduate fellow. Way to go Karthi!

Mitch wins a poster prize at the Midwest Theoretical Chemistry Conference. Way to go Mitch!

Karthi gets a travel grant to support his trip to Switzerland for a CECAM workshop "Exploring Chemical Space with Machine Learning and Quantum Mechanics” in Zurich, Switzerland.

Mitch talks about his work in the group for the Pittsburgh Quantum Institute.

JAK will be giving an invited talk at the CECAM workshop on "Exploring Chemical Space with Machine Learning and Quantum Mechanics” in Zurich, Switzerland.

JAK will be giving two invited talks at the Spring ACS meeting in San Diego, CA.

JAK gave two invited presentations at the I2CNER symposium and workshop for CO2 capture and utilization at Kyushu University in Japan.

JAK gave an invited talk at the Electrochemistry Gordon Research Conference in Ventura, CA.